We haven’t had a blog post in a while, as we’ve been in a hurry-up-and-wait period. Right now, we are waiting for the City Community Center Advisory Board and the architects to start developing conceptual drawings of the facility so it can be decided what can be built and at what cost. In the meantime, we’re gearing up for a rush of announcements, updates and progress that will be happening in the coming months.

Key Facts and Reminders
The Fairmont Area Community Center (FACC) Foundation has been established to oversee the private fundraising for the community center and to create a plan for viable operations for the community center once it is constructed. Given the City’s commitment to contribute $14 million, FACC believes that $6 million in private funds can be raised. It is also worth noting that the Foundation is optimistic after the preliminary reviews of the YMCA led proformas, that outline a viable path to construct and operate a satisfactory facility that is in line with a budget of $20 million.
Community Center Cost and Design:
As of today, there is not a final cost or design for the community center but there are several previous conceptual designs and project estimates.
The Foundation is using $20 million dollars as the project budget for constructing a community center and the Foundation will continue to work with the City and other partners to finalize the project scope and determine what can be built for $20 million dollars. The City is responsible for leading the next steps with coming to a final design and cost of what can be built. An Advisory Board has been formed to help with this process. City Advisory Board Information
Community Center Financing:
The City passed a resolution in December 2019, to commit $14 million towards construction of the community center. The Foundation strongly believes that $6 million in private funds can be raised; So far, $4.9 million has been pledged or donated towards the project.
The Foundation has met with experts that have experience in financing community projects like this one; there are banks and other financing resources that offer loans to provide cash up front recognizing the private pledges the Foundation receives. The Foundation recognizes the significant advantage for businesses and individuals being able to pledge dollars for longer-term giving.
Community Center Operations:
The City does not desire to operate the Community Center; The Foundation and the City have partnered with the YMCA as the potential operator of the Community Center.
The City, the Foundation, and the YMCA have signed a letter of intent that outlines the mutual interest and efforts of all three parties to collaborate with design, construction, and operations of a Community Center.
The YMCA has a national team of experts that brings over 100 years of foundational knowledge and experience in operational efficiency, strong financial performance, impactful programming, fundraising, facility design, and partnerships. Using this experience and information, the Foundation and the YMCA have developed pro formas that estimate costs and revenue for a Fairmont Community Center – and most importantly, a path for viable operations.
Recent Milestones and Key Next Steps:
The Foundation is encouraged by the recent project milestones and excited for the next steps to continue to move this project forward.
- City Council approved hiring an Owner’s Representative in early of 2022. Tegra was hired and now serves as a consultant and acts as the owner’s representation.
- Most recently, the City Council approved the contracts for the construction manager and the architect/engineer. Kraus Anderson has been named the construction manager and 292 Design Group is the architect/engineer.
- Next Steps: The City, along with the hired experts, will begin to finalize the design and scope of the facility. This will be done in partnership with the Foundation and YMCA
Benefits of a Community Center:
- A strong recruitment and retention tool for young families.
- Boost local economy through hosting recreational tournaments which generates visitors likely to spend money in our town during their visit.
- Instill inclusivity, by being accessible to people of all ages and backgrounds.
- Keep children active, safe, and healthy through programming, camps, child care, and recreational activities.
- Promote healthy aging for older adults by giving them a place to come together for fellowship and social activity.
- The goal is for the YMCA to operate the community center; The YMCA is a leading non-profit organization that focuses on youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility. The YMCA is committed to building a strong, cohesive community through programming, creating opportunities, and helping people find a greater sense of purpose.

Our Future. Our Community. Our Time.
Recapping Where We’ve Been
Because we know it’s been confusing . . .
Spring 2015
Project 1590 conducts a community interest survey. Results from the survey depicted a strong interest in a community center! View Results
June – October 2016
City Council authorized a referendum to propose a half-cent local option sales tax. The City also hired Bolton and Menk to complete a feasibility study for a Community Center. The study was then presented in October 2016 and Council made a motion to accept the community center feasibility study.
November 2016
The community voted on the local option sales tax for the purpose of funding recreational amenities, trails, and/or a Fairmont Community Center. Results –
Yes: 3032 and No:1923 View Results
June 2017
A public hearing occurred regarding the use of the local option sales tax. The city approved of the local option sales tax to be used for: Construction and funding recreational amenities, trails, and a community center.
January 2018
The city council approved funding for the Community Center Committee to work on a business plan for the community center.
September 2018
Ballard King was hired to do a feasibility study and they presented their findings, which show that the Fairmont Area population and demographics are large enough to benefit from, and support, a community center. City Council then approved allocating 600k of the Local Option Sales Tax to the community center annually.
February 2019
The City authorized entering into a memo of understanding with the YMCA to begin developing programming. About the Y
December 2019
City approves to commit $14M of the Local Option Sales Tax, contingent on $6M in private funds raised and contingent on the YMCA operating the building.
Project Stalled due to COVID.
April 2021
The City put out a parks and recreation survey to the community. 841 responses were collected. Many of the top ten amenities listed in the results, including indoor pool, could be housed in the community center. Results
June 2021
Council honored commitments made in December 2019. Re-established a goal of having ice included in the facility.
July 2021
The City formed a Community Center Advisory Board.
August 2021
Anchor Donors announced. Read More
September 2021
Fairmont Area Community Center Foundation is formed. Read More
January 2022
City Council approved hiring Tegra Group as the Owner’s Representative. Read More
March 2022
FACC Foundation signs consulting agreement with the YMCA. Read More
March 2022
City Community Center Advisory Board sends out community questionnaire seeking input on how people would use the facility. This was to help the design process. Read More
April 2022
The City, Foundation, and the YMCA sign a letter of intent and all parties agree to work together to review the design and operations of the Community Center.
May 2022
Construction manager and architect/engineer selected.