What’s YOUR Why?
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Let us know what a new community center in Fairmont would mean to you, and we’ll share your story on our website and social media. Feel free to add a photo of you or your family with your submission.
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The Y is for Everyone

“A community center in Fairmont would be a big draw for family events and sporting events and tournaments. Our town has so much to offer and so many areas where we can grow. A community center would be a place where there is something for everyone to keep young and old active and connected.
The YMCA was a big part of our lives in the community we lived in prior to moving to Fairmont. The YMCA summer programming and camps for kids provide a needed service for families and amazing opportunities and experiences for youth. Our winters are long and harsh. It would be a great asset to have indoor recreation opportunities here for people of all abilities and ages.”

“We have been to several community centers. We have been to wedding receptions, business meetings, many swim meets, birthday pool parties, etc. Most of these were in the Twin Cities area, one in LeSueur, & another in Iowa. Most were run by the YMCA’s. I was really looking forward to an indoor pool. It would be invaluable exercise – especially for us older people. I would be happy to see the next generations have a place for a swim team. It’s a “sport” you can use for a lifetime as opposed to a lot of sports we put so much emphasis on now. It would also be convenient to have an indoor track for exercise so one wouldn’t have to walk in the mall or the schools.”
-John & Marilyn

“I am in my eighties and will probably not be using the community center much, but I think it is a great thing for Fairmont to have a community center. I am glad the YMCA will be running it and I wish it would’ve been here when my kids were growing up.”
In addition to all the fitness aspects the community center will provide, we’re equally excited about the social opportunities for all ages. We’re sure there will be something here for you, Pat!

“An indoor tennis court would be great as there are none in the area at all! Tennis is one of the most popular life long sports but can only be played a couple months out of the year and there are only courts at the school in town! Can’t wait!“

“My daughter is interested in playing hockey long term, but to compete against area schools she needs year round ice time. Without that option in Fairmont it would force us to travel which can get very expensive, or if she wanted to play badly enough, move out of Fairmont to a city with year round ice. We want to make Fairmont our home long term and a YMCA with access to ice year round would be a huge reason to stay here. Also having somewhere safe for our kids to be active is incredibly important to us.“

“In addition to creating opportunities for the people of Fairmont, the Community Center can become a place for people who live outside the city limits but work, go to school, or bring children to activities in Fairmont. When we had children growing up, we lived far enough out of town that a community center would have been a wonderful place for us. The children could have done an activity or worked on homework while waiting for us to finish work or while waiting for a sibling to finish sports practice. Everyone could have gotten a little exercise in the time between work/school and whatever the evening activities were, be it church, practice, or community events. Our experience was that there was no individual business in town that could meet this type of need for families once children got too old for traditional daycare.
At this time, we are looking forward to local year-round access to a swimming pool for lap swimming for Eric and water exercise for Catherine. We hope that a swim team experience will be available for area youth. We are also looking forward to having more ice time available for the hundreds of youth and adults that participate in recreational skating.
We believe that Fairmont should continue to build on our community’s investment in strong families, healthy youth, and successful aging. Working together as volunteers and participants improves physical and mental health, increases community safety, and builds engaged citizens. We should each be proud to participate in creating and using the Community Center.“
-Eric & Catherine

After visiting the Estherville Regional Wellness Center:
“Kids and I just got done swimming at the aquatic park with other kids, families and an older gentleman who was treading water and swimming laps, we’ve seen people of all ages using the walking track, my son shot some hoops, and now they’re building with and climbing on blocks – the best part of a wellness center/community center is how it accommodates ALL ages and provides countless activities! (With a family that ranges in age from 11 to 5, it can be difficult to find something for everyone to do and enjoy, but that hasn’t been an issue today!) What an asset to every community they exist in. 😊 Fairmont, we’re next!!!!”