The Fairmont Area Community Center Foundation continues to take action to move forward with this exciting project. Along with actively pursuing a capital fundraising campaign and program grants, there are a variety of behind-the-scenes activities taking place. The Foundation is excited to update the community on these efforts as we all aim to bring this well needed hub for wellness, programming, education, recreation, and community engagement to the area.
We are happy to announce that significant progress has been made towards the Foundation’s goal of securing $10 million for Phase 1, or the YMCA Community Center. As you may recall, the City has committed $14 million towards this project using local option sales tax funds and has estimated the total cost of phase 1 to be $24.4 million.
The additional $10 million funding gap will be made possible through community fundraising efforts, grants, and using the opportunity to secure new market tax credits. The official fundraising campaign was just recently launched. Initial fundraising efforts have been successful due to the incredible support and generosity of individuals, families, and businesses in our community.
Most recently, the Foundation recognized several community champions who have pledged support to the YMCA Community Center, including:
- Dan’s Appliance – $25,000
- The Pomerenke Family – $25,000
- Profinium Bank – $100,000
- Jay Maynard – $10,000
These recent donations, in addition to our anchor donors and initial supporters, bring the total amount raised to $5.6 million. The Foundation extends our most heartfelt thanks to all those who have contributed. We are so grateful for their contributions which have brought us one step closer to building a new YMCA Community Center.
Collaboration & Partnerships
One of the key benefits of the Community Center project is the ability to collaborate and create local partnerships that will strengthen the community and provide a safe, welcoming space for all members – and conversations about collaborations have already begun.
On the important issue of child care, representatives from the Foundation and the YMCA have met with Lakeview Methodist, Building Blocks, and the Fairmont Area Schools several months ago, to brainstorm how best we can collectively meet the needs of preschool aged childcare, programs to support before and after care for school aged kids, as well as no school days including summer programming. While there is no simple or single solution for this challenging issue, the Community Center initiative continues to help build connections and support this critical community need.
As the only child care center in the county, Building Blocks Learning Center and Child Care (BBLC) appreciated the Foundation and YMCA taking the time to meet with us regarding the need for child care in the area and wanting to collaborate. We concluded that BBLC is no longer serving school-aged children, so the YMCA should pursue programming for those ages while BBLC continues to serve infants through preschoolers. Lakeview, a non-profit, has invested $1.25 million into future space for a childcare center. Building Blocks is ready to expand and offer care to 100+ additional children once the space is finished and staffing is added. Through a partnership with the YMCA Community Center, we can be sure we are working together to complement Lakeview’s new childcare facility and age-related childcare offerings, in the most effective and cost efficient way possible.
Additionally, representatives from the Foundation and YMCA also have met recently with Andy Sodersten, the owner of CrossFit. Both are very excited about the opportunity to collaboratively work to meet some of CrossFit’s unique and exciting programming interests.
I am excited about the possibility of growing my CrossFit program in partnership with the YMCA and seeing what else I can bring and offer to both the community and the YMCA. I am interested in expanding my offerings and using my skills for both CrossFit but also for senior, youth, and adult programming at a new YMCA Community Center. Fairmont is a great community with a lot to offer and it’s good to see interest in health and wellness continue to grow.
We envision the YMCA as a place where families, friends, and neighbors can come together and want to encourage everyone in the community to continue to voice their support for this vital and needed project. Every donation, every pledge, and every partnership opportunity will help to make a positive impact on our community and the surrounding area. To learn more about the project and the fundraising campaigns, please visit our donation page.