Bank Midwest Pledges Half a Million Dollars to New Community Center.
Bank Midwest and the Fairmont Area Community Center Foundation announced another significant donation towards the construction of the area community center. Bank Midwest of Fairmont has pledged half a million dollars bringing the total amount pledged to $5.4 million.
“Bank Midwest is thrilled to be able to support our local community with this donation. With over 70 employees in the local community, the new YMCA will be a tremendous asset for our employees and their families,” said Tom Lytle, executive vice president/CFO of Bank Midwest Fairmont. “We hope this donation will prompt other businesses in the area to show their support for the community,” Lytle added saying, “Fairmont is such a great place to live, work and play. We see this as an investment not only in our employees but in the future of Fairmont.”
While the City has been working on securing final design elements and costs for the community center, since September 2021 the Foundation has quietly launched a campaign to raise dollars to fund the construction of a Community Center and a Founders Fund which will assist the startup operations of the YMCA and provide a path for ongoing, sustainable operations.
With the Bank Midwest donation, the Foundation will have raised 80% of their initial goal in pledges and one-time cash donations.
“The Foundation is tremendously thankful for Bank Midwest being the largest donor beyond the initial anchor donors to show their support for this project,” says Fred Krahmer, Chair of the Fairmont Area Community Center Foundation. “Clearly this donation shows Bank Midwest’s desire to lead by example,” Krahmer noted.
In addition to Bank Midwest’s new donation, the Foundation would like to again publicly recognize the anchor donations from the Rosen Family, Krahmer Family, and Mayo Clinic, as well as the generous donors that have pledged to date:
- Bill Eckles, Bevcomm Foundation
- Bryan and Linda Gregor
- Steve and Heather Hawkins
- Eric and Catherine Johnson
- Nancy Klemek
- Dan and Mary Ann Kehrberg
- Ross and Amy Long
- Bob Wallace
“The Foundation extends our greatest thanks to these early contributors. We want to recognize them for their leadership and generosity in helping to bring the YMCA to Fairmont and the surrounding areas.” says Fred Krahmer, Chair of the Fairmont Area Community Center Foundation.
Community members, service clubs or businesses that are interested in giving to this campaign can do so either by giving a one-time cash donation or by pledging a monetary contribution. The ability to pledge is a significant benefit to those who wish to spread a donation out over time.
To make a pledge or donation, visit or for more information, contact the Foundation at
Fore more information about Bank Midwest of Fairmont, visit